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Pharma and Biotech Pharma and Biotech
Sterility test isolator STISO

Modular isolator technology for accelerated production processes

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Product safety is a top priority when filling pharmaceutical products. A sterility test isolator ensures  batch sterility.

The STISO is a modular design, customized to your production needs and speeds-up batch release.

  • Effective material transfer
  • Stable sterility tests
  • Protection of product, environment and operating staff
  • Fast reproducible decontamination
  • cGMP-compliant design

Sterility Test Isolator STISOSterility Test Isolator STISO
Applications Plug-and-test isolator STISO

The STISO sterility test isolator is ideal for aseptic (STISO) and aseptic-high-potency (STISOhp) applications, such as:

  • Sterility tests
  • Quality controls
  • Weighing and pre-dissolving highly active substances
Why you can count on STISO
Plug & test Pre-configured system for quick start-up
Optimal operational ergonomics Ergonomically located glove ports
Modular design For flexible applications
Temperature control Inside the work space due to an integrated cooling system
Wireless glove testing system Mechanical, integrated on the side of the housing; pre-installed test software in the HMI
Contamination-free exchange of air recirculation filter Maintenance without any additional protective measures
employee working at a sterility test isolator
loading the sterility test isolator from the side
employee working at a sterility test isolator
Discover the STISO
Experts for isolator and biodecontamination
Do you have any questions about the sterility test isolator, or would like to discuss your requirements with our experts? We look forward to hearing from you.
Experts for isolator and biodecontamination
OPTIMA pharma containment GmbH
Experts for isolator and biodecontamination
Experts for isolator and biodecontamination
OPTIMA pharma containment GmbH
+49 7738 9280-0 Write e-mail
More on this subject STISO reading material
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Matthias Aster
Do you have questions about the individual containment products or would you like to discuss your specific needs with our experts?
Experts for isolator and biodecontamination
OPTIMA pharma containment GmbH
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