
OPTIMA honors 65 employees

At the beginning of December, 33 Optima employees were honored for their many years of loyalty to the company. (Source: Optima)

Employees were invited to a special celebration for their many years of service to the company

At the anniversary and retirement ceremonies on November 17 and December 1, 2023, Optima honored a total of 65 employees for their many years of loyalty to the company and sent some of them off into retirement.

24 employees who have been with Optima for 25 years received an certificate, an Optima silver coin and a gift basket: Jürgen Braun, Birgit Butz, Volker Freisinger, Jürgen Hanselmann, Andreas Hochmuth, Angelika Kern, Manuela Kraft, Michael Laidig, Tanja Machauer, Andreas Manz, Nenad Markovic, Jürgen Müller, Markus Ney, Matthias Poslovski, Susanne Rösch, Frank Schaber, Susanne Schenkel, Jochen Schmiedt, Stefan Seybold, Annette Spieth, Carmen Spitzenberger, Axel Wagner, Armin Weber und Armin Weiss.

Eight employees have been with the company for 40 years. Dietmar Götz, Christian Lu, Michael Weber, Matthias Wüst, Jochen Lober, Andreas Hofer, Werner Polifke and Jochen Schaile received a certificate of honor from the state of Baden-Württemberg, an IHK certificate, an Optima gold coin, and a gift basket.

Artur Brenner has reached a special anniversary: he has worked for Optima for 50 years and is now going into well-deserved retirement. To thank him, he received a gift basket, a certificate of honor from the state of Baden-Württemberg, an IHK certificate and a watch.

Group picture from the graduation ceremony
At the end of November, 33 Optima employees were given their retirement farewells. (Source: Optima)
Press release
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Denise Fiedler and Julia Völker
Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us.
Denise Fiedler and Julia Völker
Team Group Communication
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Denise Fiedler and Julia Völker
Denise Fiedler and Julia Völker
Team Group Communication
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